A ‘Chrystal’ Clear Passion for Education
If energy and passion are essential to achieving success, then this month’s Featured Educator is the epitome of both. Meet…
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#edcampMAleads 2019
This year over 100 educational leaders woke up early on a Saturday morning in February and traveled to Franklin,
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Call for Proposals for MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Now Open
Present at MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference 2019! Submit a proposal to present at MassCUE by April 22, 2019! Opportunities to present include
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Slavery in the North: The Untold Story
The MassCUE Classroom Grant I received has changed my classroom in ways that I could not have imagined….
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MassCUE Spring Elections 2019-Nominations Open
This spring, MassCUE will elect the three (3) at-large officers to the MassCUE Board of Directors: President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any MassCUE member…
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#Mathwithtech: Two Forces Unite in One Workshop
For those teaching middle or high school mathematics in our digital world,…
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Tour Creator in the Elementary Classroom
by Joli Boucher Original post in Flipped Tech Coaching with Joli, January 24, 2019 WHAT IS TOUR CREATOR? Last year, Google released the web-based Tour Creator that allows users…
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Leading Innovation for Teaching and Learning
Teacher, Instructional Coach, Learning Designer, Researcher… all of these words describe this month’s Featured Educator, Colleen Worrell. Her humble…
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Register Now for MassCUE/MASCD Spring Leadership 2019
Reminder of Special Offer: Register by 3/1/19 (date extended) to receive a complimentary copy of Julie Wilson’s new book: The Human Side…
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Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, EdCamp Style Works For All!
Reflections of #EdCampSEMass by Rayna Freedman, Jacqueline Prester, Karen Winsper and Kim Zajac #EdCampSEMass
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Promoting Literacy in our Elementary Library Makerspace
The main goal of my library makerspace is to support and promote…
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Putting the “A” into STEAM
As an art teacher of 33+ years, integrating technology tools into my…
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