When STEM Meets Creativity
There are many ways to expand student learning using technology, but it can be taken…
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The Digital Toolkit: Art for Today’s Market!
New digital art assignments are in the works and my formerly traditional…
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Show & Tell in the 5th Grade
Our project was named Show & Tell in the 5th Grade. Our plan was to have students record…
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Psst!! Top 3 Reasons Why You Want To Get To Know MassCUE Grants Committee
As a member of MassCUE, you have full access to a multitude of amazing benefits and offerings put forth by the…
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Make It Mobile – Traveling Technology Kits
Grateful!! That is the word that comes to mind when I reflect on the past several months of technology teaching…
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Teaching: A Reflective Practice
Many of us often think of ourselves as creatures of habit. We all have our comfort zones and grow to rely…
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Using Chromebooks for Curation of Digital Portfolios
The arrival of 15 Chromebooks was something of an oddity in our elementary school where we have primarily turned to…
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Recognizing Our Lifelong Learners
Are you a lifelong learner who uses digital resources to promote your teaching and student learning? Then the new…
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How to Create Google Forms Locked Mode Lessons
Article by Laura Cahill Original post Engage Educate, January 25 2019 Reposted with permission Locked Mode Quiz is Released! Google released their long-awaited Locked Mode Quizzes for the Forms app this week…
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Introducing Cybersecurity Concepts in the K-12 Classroom
Article by Kristeen Shabram, March 29, 2019 reposted with permission from CSTA As a Career and Technical Educator, equipping…
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A ‘Chrystal’ Clear Passion for Education
If energy and passion are essential to achieving success, then this month’s Featured Educator is the epitome of both. Meet…
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#edcampMAleads 2019
This year over 100 educational leaders woke up early on a Saturday morning in February and traveled to Franklin,
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