Social Media Ambassadors Wanted!
on August 11, 2020We are soliciting Social Media Ambassadors for the MassCUE 2020 conference in our first ever virtual conference! The role of the Ambassador…
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Teachers Connect Open Mic Series
on June 29, 2020It’s been a tough spring and the new school year promises to continue to put teachers and learners to the test. Breathe. Stretch. Treat yourself right. You got this…and…
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Continued response to COVID-19
on June 23, 2020MassCUE is committed to support educators during these challenging times. Educators who are not MassCUE Members have been offered free Hoonuit memberships until June 30, 2020. Hoonuit…
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Position Announcement: Learning Services Assistant
on June 10, 2020MassCUE is seeking an individual with teaching experience to manage and coordinate all elements of its Professional Development offerings. The Learning Services Assistant…
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Statement from MassCUE Board of Directors
on June 3, 2020June 2, 2020 As an organization serving educators across the Commonwealth, the MassCUE Board of Directors recognizes the escalating rise in tension around the country…
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An Accidental Success
on May 15, 2020by Chris Parker In a million years, I never imagined things would ever end up like this. I have been…
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May Featured Educator – Andrew Gentile
on April 30, 2020Challenges can take on many forms, but who would ever have imagined the one we are all facing right…
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April Featured Educator – Shelagh St. Laurent
on April 1, 2020A digital learning coach can take on many roles. While most support other teachers, others take on additional…
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Reflections of the 2020 Spring Conference
on March 23, 2020by Beth Haselton On March 6th, 2020, Holy Cross played host to the annual MassCUE & MASCD Spring Leadership Conference. …
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Spring Election 2020 – Congratulations
on March 18, 2020Chris Gosselin Position: President-Elect, Partial term My name is Chris Gosselin, and I am the…
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Aspiration and Inspiration
on March 10, 2020by Abbey Dick On March 6, I was lucky enough to serve as a Social Media Ambassador at the…
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Zak Kolar
on February 28, 2020Instilling a keen interest in problem-solving and critical thinking is a goal we have for our students; but when…
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