Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Schools SIG
- Understand the uses and limitations of AI tools, especially regarding student data privacy
- Determine best practices for adoption, integration, and professional learning, and
- Share information with a wide network.
This will be an online group that meets monthly.
SIG Leaders:
- Susan Bisson, Digital Learning and Libraries Coordinator, Watertown Public Schools [4]
- Paula Cabral, Library Media Specialist, Watertown Public Schools [5]
Interested in Joining the MassCUE AI in Schools SIG?
- Please fill out the SIG Interest Form [6].
About MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) represent a growing network of connected educators, serving every grade level and subject area. Our objective is to transform education by sharing, collaborating and providing professional growth opportunities that affect best practices.
We encourage new SIGs to consider focusing on using 21st Century tools to promote critical thinking and globalization. No matter the type of SIG, the focus should be to develop pedagogy that integrates technology, improving teaching and learning. MassCUE SIGs provide the opportunity for educators to achieve this goal throughout our organization and state.
View a complete list of MassCUE SIGs [7] and learn more about the MassCUE SIG Coordinator. [8]