Special Interest Groups


MassCUE supports the network of Special Interest Groups (SIGs).  The objective of each SIG is to transform instructional or operational practices at the school or district level by sharing, collaborating and providing best practice educational opportunities to teachers.


SIG Coordinator: Drew O'Connors, doconnors@masscue.org



View MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Directory

for the current list of Special Interest Groups, SIG leaders, SIG leader contact information, and the SIG meeting schedules.


SIG Responsibilities

MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) represent a growing network of connected educators, serving every grade level and subject area. The objective is to transform education by sharing, collaborating and providing professional growth opportunities that affect best practices.

We encourage new SIGs to consider focusing on using 21st Century tools to promote critical thinking and globalization. No matter the type of SIG, the focus should be to develop pedagogy that integrates technology, and improves teaching and learning. MassCUE SIGs provide the opportunity for educators to achieve this goal throughout our organization and state.

Become a SIG Leader

Do you have an idea for a SIG? Each SIG is led by a leader or leaders who plan and coordinate activities for the group.

Learn more about how you can become a SIG leader.

  • MassCUE SIG Spotlight: Southeastern MA (SEM SIG)

    MassCUE SIG Spotlight: Southeastern MA (SEM SIG)

    SEM (Southeastern MA) SIG
    MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to connect with other members in your region or your area of interest.
    View the spotlight article below and learn more about the SEM SIG.
    Sometimes you have to get out of the office, change your environment and connect with others who are facing the ...

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  • SIG Event: MakerSpace & STEM Shopping Spree

    SIG Event: MakerSpace & STEM Shopping Spree

    MakerSpace & STEM Shopping Spree
    Interested in purchasing creative materials for your MakerSpace and STEM program from The Great Exchange?
    Join the MassCUE Makerspace & STEM Special Interest Group (SIG) on June 15, 2022, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm at The Great Exchange in Devens.  Info from The Great Exchange: Many of the items are priced by the ...

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  • MassCUE SIG Spotlight: Technology Integration

    MassCUE SIG Spotlight: Technology Integration

    Technology Integration SIG
    MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to connect with other members in your region or your area of interest.
    View the article below and learn more about how the Technology Integration SIG uses their meetings as opportunities to share ideas and updates on technology.
    When you’re responsible for the integration of technology ...

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