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Fall Conference Committee

Fall Conference Committee

The Fall Conference Committee oversees the planning, promotion and coordination of the annual state technology conference. MassCUE’s Fall Conference provides educators from across the commonwealth with exciting ways to enhance teaching and learning with technology. Presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, vendor demonstrations, and informal gatherings to address critical topics that will shape our classrooms of the future to keep educators up to date to prepare our students for the future.

One of our biggest events of the year is the MassCUE Conference!

Be a part of the program, working on choosing exhibitors, speakers, or workshops.

This committee makes the BIG decisions for conference. You will work as part of a team towards making each conference better than the next.

Each MassCUE Committee is made up of a dedicated team of volunteers. The following make up the current Fall Conference Committee Leads and Members.


John O'Sullivan, MassCUE Board Member 2025 [6]

John O’Sullivan [6]

John O’Sullivan is the author of eight books on educational and assistive technology. His most recent book is Technology for English Language Learners. John currently works for Chelmsford Public Schools as the Chelmsford High School Librarian. He is a former staff member of MassCUE. John was the Social Media Ambassador for MassCUE from 2017 to 2019. He has been an active member of MassCUE serving on the Communication and Professional Development Committees.

Read more [6]

Committee Leads


Ex-Officio members

  • Leo Brehm (President)
  • Jared Perrine (President-elect)
  • Shelley Chamberlain (Transition Director)
    No news or updates to report at this time. Please check back often.

Governing Documents

2025 Conference

Watch this space for details on this year’s Fall Conference