Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee

Bylaws Policies and Procedures Committee

The Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee reviews MassCUE policies and procedures, and recommends revisions to the Board for a vote and recording . The committee reviews and prepares amendments to the bylaws for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting prior to voting.  The committee records revised policies and procedures as the Board approves them and amended Bylaws as the members approve them.


Learn more about the duties, responsibilities and and procedures followed by this committee.

Each MassCUE Committee is made up of a dedicated team of volunteers. The following make up the current Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Chairs and Committee Members.


2024-2025 Board President Elect, Sarah Boyle

Sarah Boyle

Sarah Boyle is an enthusiastic Technology Integration Specialist who has been working at Milford Public Schools since 2014. She is a Google Certified Trainer, Seesaw Ambassador, and Pear Deck…

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Chair will request appropriate Board members as needed to collaborate on preparation of new or revised documents to present to the Board for approval. These tasks would be short term and temporary – usually only 1 or 2 meetings online, by email or shared docs.

  • Tina Mahaney

Ex-Officio members

  • Casey Daigle (President)
  • Sarah Boyle (President-elect)
  • Savvy Demers (Executive Director)

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Committee Resources

Governing Documents

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