Reflections of an Ish-ful Educator
Cathy Collins In Peter Reynold’s book, “Ish,” a creative spirit learns that thinking “ish-ly” is far more important than “getting it right.” Hearing Reynolds reinforce that important message in his…
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Are Your Students Research Ready?
Our students need to be ready to find, evaluate, manage, and use information in a whole new way. The avalanche of information and misinformation in a simple Google search…
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Featured Speaker Dr. Reshan Richards
Next month, I have the honor of being a ‘Featured Speaker’ at the 2014 MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Tech conference. I’ll be doing one session each day. My session
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Professional Development through MassCUE
The plight of the “busy teacher” is one that, as MassCUE Professional Development workshop facilitator, I can relate to on many levels. Doesn’t it seem like the 21st Century…
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Meet the 2014 Grant Recipients
Meet the 2014 Grant Recipients Congratulations to the 2014 MassCUE Grant Winners. Each recipient has a great story to tell. See how these grants were utilized to make a difference…
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Learn new skills at your own pace and timing.
A little more about these online workshops: All instruction and activites for these new four-session workshops are done entirely online. Each session is a week long, The first session is…
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Leading Future Learning Conference 2014
Join other educators at Leading Future Learning 2014 Pre-conference: March 6, 2014 Full Conference: March 7, 2014 Hogan Center at the College…
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MassCUE: Top 5 Reasons for a Record Breaking Fall Conference!
Records Broken for Fall Conference 2013 The MassCUE and M.A.S.S. 2013 Annual Technology Conference, Digital Learning, Global…
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Grab a Grand for Your Classroom
What would you do with an extra $1,000 to spend on your classroom? MassCUE offers as many as 7 competitive initiative grants of up to $1,000 each to our members…
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MassCUE Looking Forward
Just as technology evolves, our organization needs to keep pace. The mission of MassCUE, an organization of technology-using educators, is to create, share, and support visions of teaching and…
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Meet Our New Board Members, 2013
MassCUE is very fortunate to have a dedicated and accomplished Board of Directors, each of whom donates many hours to ensure that MassCUE continues to flourish! It is…
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