Virtual Panel Discussion
AI: Impact on Education
MassCUE is joining forces with educational organizations from across the commonwealth to offer a virtual panel discussion entitled, AI: Impact on Education. Join us for this free event on April 11 from 7:00-8:30 pm, where we’ll discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with AI in education.
Representatives from the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), the Massachusetts Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (MASCD), the Massachusetts Educational Technology Administrators Association (METAA), and the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) will join MassCUE to share ideas and highlight some of the work that is being done in educational settings throughout Massachusetts. This event promises to offer fresh perspectives and new voices on these emerging technologies. We’ll talk about what’s happening now and what might be in store for the future of AI in education.
Visit our Better Together event page to see a complete list of panelists and moderators for this event.
Register for Better Together — AI Impact