Learn How You Can Become a SIG Leader
Do you have an idea for a Special Interest Group (SIG)?
Each SIG is led by a leader or leaders who plan and coordinate activities for the group.
By becoming a SIG leader, you can:
- Make your school a center of teacher-centered professional development.
- Provide colleagues with ongoing opportunities to share technology integration ideas.
- Learn firsthand about new developments in educational technology.
- Make many new professional contacts.
- Develop your skills as an educational leader
SIG leaders need to meet the following requirements in order to qualify for MassCUE’s SIG benefits:
- Support the MassCUE Strategic Plan by aligning the group's goals to the operational or strategic goals of MassCUE.
- Post or facilitate a minimum of five meetings (August to June) using any combination of knowledge and skill transfer. SIG meetings can be in the form of a virtual or in person meeting, field trip, or book club.
- SIG group members: six members as a baseline to make up the group. Note SIG members do not need to be MassCUE members.
- Create your monthly meeting schedule, if possible, at your first meeting. Complete the web update request form [1] with your annual meeting dates for the new school year. SIG meetings and events will be advertised in the first of the month MassCUE news blast so please keep our website up to date by filling out a web request for upcoming dates.
- Keep track of agendas and meeting notes to share with your members.
A SIG leader has specific qualities. You should possess:
- Strong people skills
- Good organizational skills
- Interest in the educational technology
- A willingness to be a facilitator, who helps people improve themselves, as teachers and professionals
Other than that, the experience will come by doing. MassCUE will provide you with the necessary financial support for starting and running your SIG. We will also provide you with advice and guidance through our SIG support network.
A minimum of six educators are needed to form a SIG. Use your creativity to attract educators to join your SIG. An educator does not need to be a MassCUE member to be part of a SIG.
Here are some resources that can help you invite educators to join your SIG:
- Send dates and topics using the MassCUE Web Request Form [1] so interested members can see what will be available for the school year. Dates and topics are posted on the SIG web page [2].
- Tweet @masscue and MassCUE will retweet your meeting date and topic.
- Send out an email to attract educators in your district’s school buildings. Ask these educators to share with their PLN.
- Send an email to the Superintendents, Principals, and/or Technology Coordinators of local school systems asking them to send a representative from their school or district.
- Notify local Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) of your meetings. Parents are very interested in local educational technology.
- Notify local librarians of your meetings. Librarians can be an asset and are very interested in learning or sharing their educational technology knowledge.
- Write an agenda for each meeting.
- Create a spreadsheet that contains each members’ first & last name, email addresses, district name, school name.
- Send out meeting reminders to your members using a distribution list.
- Use the MassCUE conferences (Fall & Spring) to identify hot topics, ideas, or presenters that will benefit your SIG.
- Develop relationships with local vendors and company representatives. They are willing to provide you with presenters and demonstrations.
- Communicate with other SIGS using email or Twitter/X and share useful information.
- Read the MassCUE News Blast [3] to learn what other SIGs are doing.
- Have members plan and/or host meetings.
Check out the MassCUE SIG Directory [4] to view all of our active Special Interest Groups (SIGs), including SIG Leader contact information.
Interested in becoming a SIG Leader?
Contact our SIG Coordinator Drew O'Connors at doconnors@masscue.org [5].