• Corporate Partners

    MassCUE Corporate Partners 2022-2023

    MassCUE is proud to announce our Corporate Partners for 2022-2023: Our PREMIER Partners: CDW-G, ClassLink, Imagine Learning, Ockers, ProAV, Renaissance, Trafera, and Unified/ICS Our GOLD Partners: Gaggle, Lenovo/Lan School, Microsoft, Newsela, Teq, and Whalley Computer Associates. Our Corporate Partners help ensure that MassCUE continues to grow and offers high-quality learning opportunities for the MassCUE community. […]

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  • Influence and Advocacy

    Influence and Advocacy Update: Internet For All

    Update: INTERNET FOR ALL The Federal Government has published a streamlined location for all Internet access related initiatives.  Visit the INTERNET FOR ALL site to learn more about: Grants Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Digital Equity Act Programs Webinars  

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  • Grants - 3D Printers

    MassCUE Grants: Innovation Lab with 3D Printers

    MassCUE Grant Funding in Action Innovation Lab Takes Off with 3D Printers by Brandon Hall and Christine Murphy When Covid precautions caused us all to reconfigure entire school buildings in the fall of 2020, educators began to reimagine old spaces that were now suddenly unused. After receiving Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) […]

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  • EdTech Systems Guide

    DESE: EdTech Systems Guide and DESE Interview Video

    New this summer from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and The Learning Accelerator, the EdTech Systems Guide offers schools steps to develop and strengthen systems for equity-driven edtech selection, implementation, and evaluation. Chris Gosselin, who is the President of the MassCUE Board of Directors, had the opportunity to talk with representatives […]

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  • Grants in Action

    MassCUE Grants: iPads and More

    MassCUE Grant Funding in Action Capping it Off: iPads and a Synergy of Library, Technology, and SEL Skills by Deborah Kreiser-Francis Our school was fortunate enough to be awarded a MassCUE grant to purchase nine new iPads, protective cases, and the DoInk green screen app. The primary purpose for these materials is for a fifth […]

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  • Influence and Advocacy

    Influence and Advocacy Update: Student Data Privacy

    Update: Student Data Privacy Are you interested in staying up to date with issues around Student Data Privacy? The Influence & Advocacy Committee recommends that you subscribe to the monthly newsletter of the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office. Use this link to subscribe. Also, if you are looking for even more information about […]

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  • Wearable Tech

    MassCUE Grants: Wearable Technology-Infused Fashion

    MassCUE Grant Funding in Action Wearable Technology-Infused Fashion by Mrs. Jennifer Ashley, Mrs. Kyla Schmigle, and Dr. James Burke In the spring of 2022, Somerset Berkley Regional High School students in the Advanced Textiles and Fashion Design program partnered with students in the Computer Science program to take fashion design, self-expression, and wearable technology to […]

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  • Better Together

    Re-ignite your Creativity at Better Together

    Re-ignite Your Creativity at Better Together 2022        What do the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year, a venue known for exceptional artistic experiences, and the leading education organizations in the Commonwealth have in common? They will all work together to help you Re-ignite Your Creativity later this summer at the Better Together event. […]

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  • Take AIM Book Study

    MassCUE Summer Book Study

    Summer Book Study: Take AIM at Digital Learning: Activate, Innovate, Motivate  Dive into digital learning practices this summer with Author Jed Stefanowicz. Our MassCUE Book Study of Take AIM at Digital Learning: Activate, Innovate, Motivate will start with an online/live meeting on July 26, 2022 and end with an exciting showcase session at the MassCUE […]

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  • Learning

    Include MassCUE in Your Summer Plans

    Summer is an opportunity to rest, relax and make time for YOU!  MassCUE has a number of great workshops and events planned for this summer to help you RECHARGE, RE-IGNITE YOUR CREATIVITY and discover tools that will help you REFINE YOUR PRACTICE.  Please take a minute to review our offerings and join us for one […]

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  • Shelley Chamberlain

    June Featured Educator – Shelley Chamberlain

    MassCUE announces our Executive Director, Shelley Chamberlain, as our Featured Educator for June 2022! Shelley Chamberlain is a trailblazer. She started out as a special education teacher who understood the power of technology to support the differing learning styles of children and spent her career helping students and educators reimagine the role of technology in […]

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  • MassCUE Special Interest Groups

    MassCUE SIG Spotlight: Southeastern MA (SEM SIG)

    SEM (Southeastern MA) SIG MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to connect with other members in your region or your area of interest. View the spotlight article below and learn more about the SEM SIG.   Sometimes you have to get out of the office, change your environment and connect with others […]

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