Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to educate, connect, and inspire educators who have an interest in digital teaching and learning. Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, MassCUE is supported by a dedicated staff and a network of specialized committees. Partnering with leading educational technology companies, the organization advances its mission through professional development, special events, recognition, and advocacy.
Watch this space for more information on the MassCUE Operating Plan, coming soon.
Watch this space for more information on MassCUE's Strategic Goals, coming soon.
View our bylaws here.
- Bylaws, Policies & Procedures
- Communications
- Fall Conference
- Finance
- Elections
- Grants
- Influence and Advocacy
- Professional Development
- Special Interest Groups
Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
Approved April 10, 2019
Charge: Review policies and recommend revisions. Create new policies, procedures and guidelines. Evaluate, record, and update bylaws, policies, guidelines and procedures.
Optimal number of members: 0
Chair will request appropriate Board members as needed to collaborate on preparation of new or revised documents to present to the Board for approval. These tasks would be short term and temporary – usually only 1 or 2 meetings online, by email or shared docs.
- Review of all standing committee’s policies and procedures
- Keep a record of Board approved changes related to policies and procedures
- Review the bylaws annually and record the amended documents.
- The committee will collect proposed bylaw changes which have been recommended.
- The committee will review all proposals from any member and submit the final document to the Board for discussion and a vote.
- The committee will present the recommendations to the membership at the general meeting for a vote.
- Deliberate on suggestions from the Board, BPP Committee members and the general membership.
- Research and write new policies or guidelines as deemed necessary.
- Review existing policies for relevancy and present any changes to the Board for a vote.
- Proposed policies will be recommended by the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee and posted to Board members for review.
- After a policy has been approved by the Board, the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee will archive the decision.
Committee Procedures
- Chairperson(s) of each committee will submit procedure changes to the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee for review.
- The BPP Committee will present the changes to the Board for approval.
- The BPP Committee Chair will update the Abstracts and Procedures as changes are made.
- The BPP Committee Chair will update the Procedures for the Committee section of the web page.
Communications Committee
January 2014
Charge: Manage and promote print and electronic communications.
Optimal number of members:
- collaborates with the Chairperson and Executive Director regarding content and/or designs including new initiatives.
On Cue Managing Editor
- plans, coordinates and delivers on Cue online three times a year (Fall) (September), Winter (January) and Spring (June)
- reports to the Chairperson monthly on the status of on Cue publications
on Cue Assistant(s)
- collaborates with the Managing Editor in fulfilling the duties listed above
on Cue Copy Editor
- review blind submissions to be considered for publication for content and technical accuracy in a timely manner as the managing editor requests assistance
on Cue Feature Writer
- Submit a topical piece on a theme that reflects their particular expertise (e.g. Technology Leadership, Network Management, Emerging Technologies, Technology Integration into Instruction, etc).
Monthly Newsletter Coordinator
- Coordinate with Executive Director on the content for monthly membership online newsletter
Social Networks Coordinator
- Monitor and manage social networks approved by the Board
- report to the Chairperson monthly the social networking activities
Social Networks Assistant(s)
- collaborates with the Social Networks Coordinator in fulfilling the duties listed above
Fall Conference Procedures
April 29, 2021
Procedures Charge : To plan, promote, coordinate and evaluate the annual Fall technology conference. Optimal number of members: 9-10 members of the conference committee
Responsibilities: Major decisions or changes that affect the conference, as recommended by the committee, will be presented to the Board for approval. Decisions which affect the responsibilities of other MassCUE Committees will be communicated to those Committee’s Chairs for collaboration. There will be volunteers to support and distribute the extensive work for the conference. Each volunteer area will have a leader selected by the Conference Committee. It is recommended that there be volunteers that are not on the Conference Committee. Volunteer area leaders will report back to the Conference Chair and Conference Committee in a timely manner at committee meetings.
- Recruit volunteers.
- Create a plan for Fall Conference Committee Co-chairs and members to manage these groups.
- Volunteers for the Conference Committee:
- Workshop RFP readers- 10-15
- CUEKid RFP readers 5-6
- Global Ed RFP readers 5-6
- Volunteer Coordinators (2)
- CUE Central (DOC)
- Keynote and Speaker Committee (4-5)
- CUEKid Assistants (2)
- CVENT (2)
- Volunteers for the Conference Committee:
Other Category:
- The Fall Conference Committee Manual is a living document and should be referred to and updated throughout the process.
- A flowchart must be created of tasks and responsibilities for the days of the conference.
- All important documents should be uploaded to a common folder, accessible to the Fall Conference Committee and Board members.
Annotated Timeline: (date, action, responsibility) Refer to Conference Committee Manual
Finance Committee
September 25, 2015
Charge: Provide financial oversight for the organization in the areas of budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.
Optimal number of members: at least 2 from the membership
- Set and recommend a yearly budget for the various functions and activities of MassCUE
- Oversee financial activities
- Create and monitor internal controls and accountability procedures
Budgeting and Financial Planning
Effective finance committees fully engage in an annualized budgeting process in cooperation with the Executive Director and Bookkeeper. Develop an annual operating budget with staff and committee chairs.
- Approve the budget and recommend approval by the board of directors.
- Monitor adherence to the budget.
- Set and recommend long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them.
- Develop and recommend multi-year operating budgets that integrate strategic plan objectives and initiatives.
- Present and recommend all financial goals and proposals to the board of directors for approval.
- In addition to developing and recommending an annual budget, the committee should also set and recommend long-term financial goals. These goals might include, for example, the creation of a working capital or cash reserve fund and the creation of a fund for maintaining or replacing equipment.
- The finance committee will work with the staff to determine the financial implications of the strategic plan and will plot them into a multi-year organizational budget that will financially support the implementation of the strategies.
- Draft an investment policy detailing the objectives of the investment portfolio, guidelines on the asset allocation of the portfolio based on a predetermined level of risk tolerance, authorizations for executing transactions, disposition of earned income, etc.
- Ensure provisions of the policy are followed.
- Review the policy at least annually and update if necessary.
- Hire and evaluate the investment managers/advisors.
- Even if MassCUE does not have enough cash to support a full blown investment portfolio, it should manage its cash to optimize earned revenue. If MassCUE has excess operating cash, the finance committee, with the Executive Director’s input, may consider drafting guidelines for putting the excess cash in low–risk, short-term vehicles. These should be designed to maximize earned revenue from existing cash without interfering with operating cash flow needs, i.e., purchasing short-term CDs with staggered maturity dates, or establishing a sweep account arrangement wherein excess cash is swept into a higher-yield vehicle each night. Once they have decided on a strategy, they should submit a recommendation to the board of directors for approval.
MassCUE requires staff to provide highly contextual reports clearly communicating the organization’s financial and cash position, its adherence to the budget, its allocation of resources toward the accomplishment of its mission, and its support of any donor-imposed restrictions on contributions. Having a predetermined list of reporting expectations permits staff to allocate enough time to produce accurate, high quality reports and not be caught off guard by ad hoc requests. In addition, these reports should help to focus the board’s discussion about expected outcomes and potential strategies for overcoming setbacks or changes in the financial environment.
- Develop and recommend useful and readable report formats with Executive Director.
- Work with Executive Director to develop a list of desired reports noting the level of detail, frequency, deadlines, and recipients of these reports.
- Work with Executive Director to understand the implications of the reports.
- Present the financial reports to the full board for approval.
Internal Controls and Accountability Policies
Although the entire board carries fiduciary responsibility for the organization, the finance committee serves a leadership role in this area, making sure appropriate internal control procedures for all financial transactions are documented in a manual and followed by staff.
- Create, approve, and update (as necessary) policies that help ensure the assets of the organization are protected.
- Ensure policies and procedures for financial transactions are documented in a manual, and the manual is reviewed annually, and updated as necessary.
- Ensure approved financial policies and procedures are being followed.
- Play a role in determining and updating bank account signatories as well as overseeing all legal and governmental filing deadlines are met.
Other Policies
The Finance committee should work with the Executive Director to insure compliance and/or developing other policies that further serve to protect the organization and manage its exposure to risk. These include establishing and recommending policies surrounding:
- Personnel policies
- Executive compensation packages (in the absence of a separate human resources committee)
- Long-term contracts or leases
- Loans or lines of credit
- Internet use and computer security
- Capital purchases
- Check writing policy: On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously voted to approve: A bill over 5,000 must be approved by the Treasurer or President before release of funds. June 6 2015
- Disposition of donated stock
- Insurance requirements and reviews
- Record retention policy – has been approved by the Board
- Gift acceptance
- Recruit and select the auditor.
- Work with the Executive Director, accountant and auditors to answer all questions that fall under the committee’s scope.
- Review the draft audit and 990 as presented by the auditor.
- Present the audit report to the full board of directors (if the auditor does not do this).
- Review the management recommendation letter (SAS112) from the auditor and ensure follow up on any issues mentioned.
Annotated Timeline: (date, action, responsibility)
An annualized committee task list is a useful tool for organizing the committee’s work.
Calendar / Timeframe Tasks August Review and continue to oversee financial ebb and flow in collaboration with Conference Committee. November Review the financial policies of the organization. Research and write additional ones and/or revise existing ones. Recommend them to the Board for approval. Work with Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee and all Committee Chairs to review and update Committee Procedures. December Collaborate with Development and Outreach Committee on revenue raising February Review governmental and legal filing deadlines for compliance March Coordinate a budget workshop to assist committee chairs in completing their committee budget for the following year April Be the “advance” team for the next year’s operating budget, through reviewing, and bringing forth recommendations to the Board for approval Provide the budget to all committee chairs for final review May Regularly review employee compensation rates and recommend revisions for Board approval Present the budget to the board of directors for approval June Work with the Executive Director in completing the Audit process Review internal report deadlines for compliance Insure that the approved budget is entered into the financial software for the upcoming yearProcedures
Elections Committee
December 10, 2018
Charge: Oversee the entire election process including nominations, vetting nominees, running the election and reporting results.
Collaborate with the Board on seeking appointments to the Board.
Optimal number of members: minimum of 3 with 2 from the general membership and/or from the appointed members of the Board
The President is succeeded by the current President-Elect, and the 3 Executive Officers President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer) are elected on odd numbered years.
The 4 elected Board members are elected on even numbered years.
- Nominations for Executive Officers and elected Board members shall be sought from the entire MassCUE membership using a variety of communication venues.
- The election committee shall communicate via email and MassCUE website the criteria and responsibilities of a Board member to the membership when seeking nominees.
- The election committee will vet nominees and inform them of their acceptability status within one week of submission.
- Every effort should be made to bring forth two candidates for each elected position.
Candidates are defined in the Bylaws, Section 4 subsection d, Membership of Governing Board.
Candidate for President-Elect must also have actively served as a member of the Board of Directors for at least one full term (2 years).
Candidates for Treasurer should be experienced with reading and evaluating budgets. Prior service on the MassCUE Finance Committee (or similar committees for other organizations) is preferred. The treasurer must chair the Finance Committee. The treasurer also must be available throughout the year for appropriate communication with the Finance Committee and Executive Officers.
Candidates for Secretary should be detail-oriented, be good listeners and writers, be well-organized, and very responsive to requests for information. Experience as a recording secretary (or service in similar roles on a MassCUE committee or in another organization) is preferred, but not required.
Candidates for President-Elect should have a firm understanding of and experience with the operation of the organization and the board. Candidates should be familiar with current Board business and should have served at least one term as a Board member or should have prior service as Committee Chair, as an Officer on the Board, or have had other leadership roles within MassCUE that have provided a broad perspective of the organization. The candidate should understand the succession to the Presidency and be prepared to serve a four-year term.
Candidates must read and agree to abide by:
- Board Members Responsibilities Policy
- MassCUE Board Code of Conduct
Nominees, who have access to the membership list, may not use it for campaigning, as it would be in violation of our Privacy Policy.
Candidate Presentation
Nominees will be presented to the membership in alphabetical order
- in an official email blast
- on the MassCUE Elections web page
- on the official ballot
Calendar / Timeframe Tasks Second week in January – Second week in February Prepare and post an electronic announcement to membership (published on MassCUE webpage, electronically mailed to membership and listed on electronic newsletter) that nominations are open. This post should include a description of the position, the position criteria, Code of Conduct for Board Members, Responsibilities of Board Members and the nomination process. Committee will acknowledge receipt of candidate’s intention via email to candidate within one week of received submission.In the event that someone does not qualify, the reason should be sent with the acknowledgement.
Second week in March Nominations close.Nominees are vetted by the Elections Committee, making sure that criteria is met and nominees are informed of their status.
Slate of vetted candidates is prepared and posted on the MassCUE Website along with voting procedure.
Electronic announcement sent email to all current members with voting instructions. Instructions should include closing date and time for voting.
Posting contains candidate headshot, name, school district name, email address for posting on the web page and candidates election statement not to exceed 200 words.
Second Week of April voting takes place Voting takes place via a secure and anonymous electronic ballot. The voting tool, approved by the Board, should allow loading of the current membership list and email of only those members and allows only one vote per member.Each voter is responsible for completing the task of voting.
During the voting period additional reminders may be sent by the election committee to all members if:
- the election website goes down during the voting period
● as a reminder that the voting period is active
Third Week of April Elections Committee prepares results and presents to the board. Winners will be notified by the election chair within 2 days of closing. Results are announced electronically and posted on the web site. October Those elected assume their elected position at the May meeting following the Election. They serve along with current members with all rights of Board members. Outgoing members complete their terms after the fall conference. Mid October Collaborate with the Board on seeking candidates for appointment to the Board at the November meeting.Procedures
Grants Committee
December 10, 2018
Charge: Promote and administer initiative grants and scholarships to members. Administer Event Sponsorship requests from members.
Optimal number of members: 5 – 10
Grants Committee members and Board members are ineligible for a MassCUE grant.
Grants Committee members and Board members should not be the primary recipients of Sponsorship funds.
Sub Committees:
Classroom Grants:
- Design and facilitate grants for MassCUE members to encourage activities that will strongly support and demonstrate:
- Integrated technology
- Standards-based learning
- Enhanced student achievement
- Development of instructional technology competency
- Dissemination of sustainable results back to MassCUE members and others.
- Follow up of Grant recipient’s requirements as stated in grant
- Communicate to the members.
- Read and evaluate the proposals.
- Report to Board for a final vote of approval at the February meeting.
- Notify the recipients.
- Post to the web page.
- Facilitate the reimbursements.
- Communicate with the grantees as necessary.
Scholarships: provide MassCUE scholarships for attendance at the Fall and Spring Conferences for an educator who has never attended before.
- Announce the scholarship opportunity.
- Define the time span for applying from opening to deadline
- Define the requirements for applicants.
- Describe what the scholarship covers.
- Verify the applicant’s membership status, if this is a requirement of the scholarship.
- Select the winner by lottery at the specified time and location.
- Notify the winner, and publish to the membership.
- Remind the winner(s) of the obligation agreed upon in the application.
Event Sponsorships:
- Abide by the Board Sponsorship Procedures
- Promote Sponsorship Opportunities
- Review Sponsorship Applications
- CompleteRubric for Sponsorship Applicants
- Make Recommendations to the Board for Sponsorship Activities
- Communicate to Members who are awarded Sponsorship Funds
- Remind Members of Sponsored Events of responsibility to report to Communications Committee.
Other Category: (as needed by committee)
Annotated Timeline: (date, action, responsibility)
Annotated Timeline for Grants Procedures:
- August-September: Notify members about the upcoming Grant opportunities.
- October: Call for Proposals with opening and closing dates and reference to requirements.
- December-January: Evaluation and Selection
- February: Notifications to all who submitted a proposal
- February: Publish Grant Recipients on web page, and in a membership blast.
- April 1: Reimbursements deadline reminder to successful candidates
- May 15: Reimbursements deadline
Annotated Timeline for Scholarship Procedures:
- April-May: Notification of Fall Conference Scholarship opportunity and reference to requirements to members via web page, and in a membership blast.
- June: Draw name of qualified candidates at the Annual General Meeting.
- June: Notify the winners and publish the news on the web page and in a membership blast.
- September: Update Scholarships via website & social media
- December: Reminder to recipient to submit a blog on the fall conference
- October: Notification of Spring Conference scholarship opportunity and reference to requirements to members via web page and in a membership blast.
- January: Draw name of qualified candidates at Board Meeting.
- January: Notify the winners and publish the news on the web page and in a membership blast.
- April: Reminder to recipients of their obligation agreed upon in the application.
Annotated Timeline for Sponsorship Procedures:
- August: Reminder email regarding pictures/write-up to be sent to Communications Committee for publication in OnCUE.
- September: Update Sponsorships via website & social media.
- October: Promote Sponsorship Opportunities at CUE Table at Fall Conference.
- November: Review Sponsorship Procedures.
- January: Promote Website/Social Media for Promotion of Sponsorship Opportunities.
- April: Notification of the Masscue Sponsorships will be sent out in April for the following fiscal year(July to July).
- May 15th -June 15th: Review and Score Sponsorship Applications.
Accept rolling applications after May 15th but must stay within budgeted amount.
Ongoing reviewing of applications. - June 15th-July 1st: Notify members who receive Sponsorship.
Influence and Advocacy Committee
Approved March 16, 2021
Charge: The Influence and Advocacy Committee monitors national and state legislative and technology developments. The Committee members research, develop, and promote advocacy/educational campaigns that represent and promote the interests of the membership and the educational enterprise.
Optimal number of members: 2 or more
- Advocate by communicating and collaborating with local and state legislators and other state organizations for the purpose of funding educational technology at state and local level that are in the best interests of education.
- Inform MassCUE members of important pending legislation regarding technology in education.
- Collaborate with other affiliates and ISTE to advance technology in schools to improve teaching and learning.
- Educate, collaborate with policy makers to achieve funding and legislation to support the appropriate use of technology in teaching, learning and administration
- Work with the DESE to support educational technology in the schools
- Recommend MassCUE representatives to serve on the Digital Education Advisory Council
- Monitor state website for relevance and opportunities connected to our mission
- Present at conferences
- Collaborate on PD offerings
- Support MassCUE members individually and collectively to influence local/state/national legislators
- Work with other affiliates, ISTE and like- minded organizations
- Reach out to global organizations with similar mission to enhance global learning
- Recruit and welcome new committee members who represent a diversity of people, identities and cultures.
Action Items
- Submit monthly Influence and Advocacy alerts for the Executive Director’s member email as needed to send to members
- Coordinate with social media ambassador to share news
- Keep abreast of new legislative initiatives
- Review committee membership and recruit additional members (April/May)
- Committee to meet face to face to assess success and set new and continuing goals. Set goals and plan strategic moves for the year (June/July/Aug)
- The following actions may be taken if they advance the mission of MassCUE. The initiative will dictate the time period.
- Visit the Statehouse and meet with members of both Houses with specific proposals.
- Meet with aides to procure sponsorship for any bills proposed.
- Communicate with affiliates
- Check in with appropriate DESE staff member(s)
- Present information during MassCUE/MASS conference and Board meetings
- Propose new initiatives
- Assess advocacy and member needs
- Empower members with information to be engaged in association legislative efforts
- Attend and participate in Forums and/or Symposiums where interests of the membership are discussed/advocated for.
- Represent the organization in meetings with Department of Education (DESE / EOE) and other state agencies, in collaboration with Executive Committee.
Professional Development Committee
September 25, 2015
Charge: Plan, develop and implement a variety of professional development opportunities around the state.
Optimal number of members:
- planning pertinent professional development to a wide variety of interests
- coordinating the delivery of professional development opportunities in a variety of regions across the state
PD Proposal Packet
The PD Executive Sub Committee will create a packet for workshop and course proposals. Proposals may be solicited or volunteered to the committee. The sub committee will choose which workshops and courses to offer.
Application Procedure
The applicant should present an application to the committee according to the following deadlines: Dates for workshops will be specified in the RFP. The committee will consider applications based upon the policy included in the application packet.
Once a workshop is selected, …
… the Executive Director will work with the Sub Committee to:
- Draw up any contracts needed
- Set price
- Decide what materials will be needed for the workshop.
Point Person
- The Committee Chair and Executive Director will decide who will be the point person for each event at the time of accepting the proposal.
- The point person will notify the applicant of the Committee’s favorable decision within two weeks following the submission deadline.
- The same point person will notify applicants whose proposals were rejected no later than 2 weeks after the decision has been made.
- The Executive Director will be responsible for contracting with paid presenters.
Preparing for the Event
Executive Director and staff will:
- Set up the registration
- Advertise the workshop/course through all MassCUE channels
- Select site for the workshop (site may be proposed by instructor/host)
- Order any committee approved materials
- Set up refreshments, if necessary.
- Create and implement evaluations
- Act as liaison between MassCUE and presenter(s) of workshop
When cancellation of a workshop or course is due to low enrollment or when there is a change of instructor or venue, the PD Executive Sub Committee will be notified before the decision is made public.
The Executive Director will make emergency/weather cancellations.
Competitive Professional Development Benefit for Selected Members
When a Board approved opportunity is created for a limited number of members to receive professional development in a specific area, the following procedures will be followed.
- The PD Committee will recommend a sub-committee and chair to oversee the project. The sub-committee will conclude when the special project has been completed.
- All MassCUE members will be notified of the opportunity by MassCUE via an e-mail blast, social media and other appropriate means at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline for membership submissions to participate.
- Board members who meet the requirements of the project may submit a form to participate, but if they are appointed, they should use funding from their budgeted Board PD allowance.
- Board members may not get compensation for teaching courses for MassCUE.
- Board members must abide by MassCue’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
The notification will include:
- A statement describing the project
- Prerequisites for participation
- Description of any commitment to MassCUE following the PD
- A submission form developed by the ad-hoc committee which reflects the candidates qualifications and commitment to the needs of the project
- A rubric for selection
- A deadline for submission of the form
A waiting list of qualified members who submitted a form will be prepared in case anyone drops out and a replacement is needed.
A recommendation for appointment of participants will be presented to the Board for approval.
No more than one week following Board approval, all members who submitted a form will be notified of who the appointed participants are.
Special Interest Groups Committee
September 13, 2019
Ex-officio members: President, President-Elect, Executive Director
Chairperson will serve for one year. Coordinator will be appointed or reappointed at the May Board Meeting.
Duties of the Coordinator:
- Communicate and collaborate with a designated member of Staff to arrange and conduct business on-line as needed.
- Prepare at least six reports to the Board and post them in the Board Meetings folder at least one week prior to the Board meeting.
- Collaborate with the web site coordinator to keep committee related information accurate, current and in accordance with these Procedures.
- Collaborate with the Executive Director, Social Media Ambassador and Communications Committee Chair(s) to share committee related news.
- Prepare and present the coordinator’s Annual Report at the General Meeting.
Duties of the StaffMembers:
Collaborate monthly with the SIG Coordinator to fulfill the SIG Coordinator Procedures.
Approval Process for Edited Procedures
- Chairperson(s) of each committee or Coordinators will regularly review the Charge and Procedures to ensure they reflect what the position entails. Use strikethrough for deletions and colored text for additions so that BPP Committee and the Board knows what has been changed.
- Chairperson(s) of each committeeor Coordinators will submit recommended changes to the Charge and Procedures to the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee.
- Collaborate with BPP Committee regarding any further suggestions.
- The BPP Committee Chair will present the Recommended changes to the Board for a vote.
Charge: Develop and support the network of Special Interest Groups and tocommunicate and coordinate with SIG Leaders.
Collaborate with SIG Leaders
- Send reminders for meeting write-ups for the Newsletter and Webpage.
- Send reminders to send agendas and attendance sheets and post the documents in the Board shared folder.
- Communicate the guidelines for SIG meetings – SIG Leaders Handbook.
Develop New SIGs
Collaborate with Staff to promote the creation of new SIGs
- monthly newsletter
- OnCue
- Fall Conference
- other approved venues.
Promote SIG meetings to MassCUE members
- Collaborate with the Communications and Marketing Assistant to keep the web page current.
- Collaborate with the Executive Director to post SIG meeting dates to the monthly newsletter
- Encourage SIG Leaders to write stories and submit them to the Communications Committee Chair for OnCue
- Promote SIGs at the Fall Conference (handouts, poster, etc.) and other approved venues.
Inactive SIGS
A SIG that has not held at least 4 meetings a year as outlined in the SIG Leaders Handbook during a school year will be notified that the SIG is inactive and will no longer be promoted. SIG Leader benefits will not be applied.
Other Category: (as needed)
Annotated Timeline: (date, action, responsibility)
All committee work must support the MassCUE mission and operate by established policies.
- Chair or Co-Chair(s)
- Members
- Ex-Officio Members
Term Limits:
- Chairperson(s): Chairperson(s) serve a one-year term and are appointed or reappointed at the September board meeting.
- Members: Members serve a one-year term and are appointed or reappointed at the June board meeting.
- Chairperson(s)
- Recommend candidates: Any individual shall be eligible for appointment or election to the Board of Directors of the MassCUE organization, should they meet two of the following criteria:
- A registered member of the MassCUE organization who actively contributes for at least one year, as determined by the Board of Directors.
- A community member of MassCUE who is:
- Current or retired educator.
- An employee of an educational entity within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- Or, a full-time student, age eighteen or older.
- A community member of MassCUE who demonstrates support and exhibits qualities and skills that would support the mission of the organization
- Communicate with committee members, arrange at least six meetings per year, plan agendas, make assignments, be the liaison to other committees, and conduct business online as needed.
- Prepare committee reports to the Board and post them in the Board Meetings folder at least five days before the Board meeting.
- Post meeting dates, both face-to-face and online, on the MassCUE Board internal calendar.
- Complete a web request to keep committee-related information accurate, current, and per these Procedures.
- Fill out a Social Media request form for any content your committee would like to be shared on MassCUE’s social channels.
- Prepare and present the committee’s Annual Report at the General Meeting.
- Recommend candidates: Any individual shall be eligible for appointment or election to the Board of Directors of the MassCUE organization, should they meet two of the following criteria:
- Members:
- Attend online and face-to-face meetings regularly and actively participate by volunteering to lead or support committee tasks.
- Committee Member Benefit: Those who have served, participated, and contributed to the Committee Members Benefit Policy will be eligible for complimentary membership for one year upon recommendation of the Chair at the June Board meeting. If they agree to do so, they will be recommended for reappointment.
- Those who have not actively served participated, and contributed will not be recommended for reappointment and will be notified by the chair that if they are able to actively participate in the future, they can let the chair know that they would like to again be considered to serve on the committee.
Amending Procedures:
- By January, each committee will review the Charge and Procedures to ensure they reflect the committee's function.
- Chairperson(s) of each committee will submit recommended changes to the Charge and Procedures to the President and President-Elect for feedback.
- Each committee will present its changes to the Board of Directors at the Winter retreat.