What does MassCUE mean to you?
Community, innovation, connection, learning and fun were just a few of the themes that came up when MassCUE members were asked to describe what MassCUE means to them during the Annual General Meeting. The event, which took place on June 8, 2022 at Gillette Stadium, was an opportunity for members and partners to reflect on the past year and to plan for the future as MassCUE looks for new ways to fulfill its mission to educate, connect and inspire the educational community. It was the last Annual Meeting for Executive Director Shelley Chamberlain, who will be retiring this summer after more than a decade at the helm. Board Member Jackie Collins thanked Shelley for always having the best interest of MassCUE in her heart and for all that she has done for the organization. She shared a few “Shelleyisms” that she has incorporated into her own life.
“Sneakers are acceptable at all events,” Collins said with a laugh. “But also, always think of how your actions will be perceived, regardless of your intentions. Try to be fair with everybody – whether it’s our partners, our peers, our students – we always need to be fair and consider their point of view.”
The meeting was also an opportunity for members and partners to meet MassCUE’s incoming Executive Director, Savvy Demers, who told the group that the MassCUE Fall Conference was the first conference she attended as a new educator and that there is nowhere else she would rather be than leading the organization that has meant so much to her as a public school teacher.
“I’m so excited to take the incredible legacy that Shelley has laid for us and make sure that more people and more districts have access to MassCUE,” Demers said. “Whether it’s an urban district like Boston or a district in Western MA, my goal is MassCUE for all.”
MassCUE committee members offered updates at the meeting, including a preview of some of the great speakers and workshops planned for this year’s Fall Conference, which is set for October 19-20. The professional development committee started their presentation with a Haiku, inviting members to participate in one of the many workshops and events planned for this summer. Presentations by the finance committee and on the strategic plan were followed by a list of ways educators can get more involved with MassCUE including joining a committee, attending a CUEup or SIG meeting, nominating a colleague for an award, applying for a grant or signing up for professional development.
To close out the event, attendees were treated to a tour of Gillette Stadium where they got to go down to the field, up to the press boxes and everywhere in-between with plenty of elevator selfie opportunities. After a challenging year for educators, the Annual General Meeting was a great reminder of all that MassCUE has offered and will continue to offer to members.
To see more pictures from the Annual Meeting, visit us on Facebook.
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