Lexia presents Academic Language and School Success


Attend a free webinar sponsored by our Corporate Partner, Lexia,  to discuss the connection between theory and practice in academic language. This webinar will focus on:

  • important research about the critical role of academic language
  • translating research into practical assessment and meaningful instruction
  • how Lexia products support academic language skill development

Course Details

Audience Regular and special needs educators
Level K-12
Speakers Dr. Liz Brooke and Carlyn Friedberg
Date December 6, 2016
Time 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
Location online webinar
MassCUE Members No charge
Non-Member Cost No charge
Limit 30 Educators
Prerequisites None

Dr. Liz Brooke

Liz is Chief Education Officer for  Lexia Learning

Carlyn Friedberg

Carlyn is Assessment Specialist for Lexia

Sign Up for This Webinar

Academic Language and School Success December 6, 2017 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

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2016-12-06 15:00 2016-12-06 03:00 America/New_York Lexia presents Academic Language and School Success Online webinar services@viaspire.com