During this year of remote and hybrid learning, the MassCUE Board of Directors stepped up to the plate to provide the community of MassCUE educators with a variety of resources and professional development opportunities. Each of our volunteer Board Members have a full-time “day job” and then volunteer on weekends and evenings by chairing one of MassCUE’s eleven (11) Committees and participating in monthly board meetings. On average Board Members spend from 15 to 25 hours per month working to support our organization. As well as serving on the Board, several of our Board of Directors have received special recognition this past year. President Rayna Freedman earned her Doctorate of Education from Northeastern University, Treasurer Jacqueline Collins Prester was awarded the 2021 National Business Teacher of the Year, Board Member Bonnie Nieves’s wrote the book, “Be Awesome On Purpose” that will be published this June from EduMatch Publishing, soon to be President-elect Heidi MacGregor became certified as an ISTE Certified Educator and Board Member Chris Parker was promoted to Technology Director in the Gateway Regional School District.
If you would like more information about either serving on our Board or one of our committees, please contact Chris Gosselin, President-Elect.