This spring we will elect three (3) officers to the MassCUE Board. Below you will find this year’s candidates. Please take a few minutes to read through their information. The voting window will open on April 16th and close on April 23rd. A link for the ballot will be sent out to our membership at that time. Your membership must be valid before April 1, 2021 in order to be eligible to vote. You may log in to your membership profile to make sure your membership is current.
President Elect
Heidi MacGregor, Littleton Public Schools
I am currently a co-chair of the MassCUE Influence and Advocacy Committee, a member of the MassCUE Professional Development Committee and serve as leader of the MassCUE MakerSpace SIG. In addition, I recently earned my ISTE Certification by participating in the course that was offered through a MassCUE partnership with NYSCATE. My time spent at MassCUE conferences, Learning Tours, Twitter chats, and other events have been a huge source of inspiration for me in my professional life. If elected, I will continue my commitment of working toward our goals for diversity, equity and inclusion in our membership, committees and Board. I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with fellow Board Members and staff as we move forward together to educate, connect and inspire.
Secretary – Select 1
Kim Keith, Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District
Kim Keith is a library media specialist in the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District. I work at the M. E. Small Elementary School in West Yarmouth, which houses PreK-3. I am in my eighth year and previously was a library assistant in the Barnstable School system for twenty years. I have an undergraduate degree from Westfield State University and a Masters in Library Science from the University of Rhode Island. I am on the board of MassCUE and chair both the Awards and Elections committees. Kim currently serves as the Secretary of the MassCUE Board of Directors.
Tracy Sockalosky, Natick Public Schools
I would like to nominate myself for the role of Secretary on the Board of Directors for MassCUE. Stepping away from the board last summer was necessary so that I could focus on my graduate program and administrator internship without shortchanging the important work and responsibilities of a board member. While not on the board, I have remained active with the organization and hope to be able to rejoin the boards efforts in continuing the success and impact that organization has had, as well as furthering its strategic plans. Through my work in my leadership program, I have gained important insight and perspective into school leadership as well as the characteristics and qualities of strong leaders. I have always been a passionate educator, yet I am looking forward to applying these new perspectives and ideas I have gained in my school leadership work.
Jacqueline Collins Prester, Mansfield Public Schools
Serving as the Treasurer of MassCUE has been an incredible and fulfilling professional opportunity to blend my love of education, business, and technology into a single role. I’m seeking re-election to continue making positive financial strides for MassCUE, especially during this tumultuous time of Covid. In my time as Treasurer, we’ve reassessed short- and long-term financial goals, made smart investments to grow our assets, and adjusted our financial plans to accommodate for the unexpected. Going forward, I’ll continue working with our board to further solidify MassCUE’s financial future while providing for our members. Outside of MassCUE, I am a National Board Certified Teacher specializing in Business, Marketing, and Financial Services. Mansfield High School has been my home since 2006, after a career-change from the financial software industry. I hold a BSBA in Accounting/Computer Information Systems, an MBA in Marketing, and an MEd in Instructional Technology. Thank you for your consideration.